Saturday, November 15, 2008

This time of year I'm always reminded of the things I am thankful for. I have been thinking back on the past 12 months. I can't believe the amazing things that have come to Dave and I. Dave has been working so hard with school and work and it is finally paying off. He has kept a positive attitude with his work and he has been doing very well. He is on the verge of graduating. . .Yeah! That is such a big accomplishment and I am so proud of him. And of course Brooklynn has been such a blessing to us. She is a wonderful addition to our family.
My favorite thing about being married to Dave is that I can wake up every morning to my Best Friend! And now I wake up to my two best friends. I am so grateful for what I have!
I am getting so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It gives me an excuse to be with both Dave and my family more. My dad, Cole, Bethany, and Weston are coming for Christmas and I cannot wait. I really think that saying is true, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", because I really miss them. I miss all my family I don't see them as much and hopefully the holidays will help with that.


Riley's 2008 said...

Ohhh, you are so cute. When did you mature so much. I love that post. It almost made me cry. You are an awesome mother, sister, friend, and wife. I am proud of you. I love you sis. And I am looking forward to the holidays too. Love you, Tal

BobulousBelly said...

Your blog is totally cute! Sorry it has taken me so long to finally really look at your blog but I am sick of my house looking so blah. I painted Katelyn's room purple. I bought material and I am making her bedspread, curtains, the works. See ya Sunday!

Feathers By Laura said...

Hi Aleena
I just foung this bolg site that has backgrounds for Twilight they are so cute check them out! Izzie Grace Blogs.
Love ya Laura